The Endless Positivity Cycle: Enter At Your Own Risk

The Lazy Worker
6 min readMar 17, 2023


Everyone has the potential to create a life that they truly love if they simply decide to turn that life into a goal, instead of only seeing it as a dream; and it starts with the positivity cycle.

As John Assaraf would say:

“Are you interested, or are you committed?”

All of the tools, resources, coaching, and education you could ever possibly need to make that happen are at the tips of your fingers, along with the ability to pursue a positive, life-changing experience.

All it takes is the decision to do so, followed by action .

This mentality was the inspiration for the creation of my own company, Apex Haus, and my free mastermind community for individuals dedicated to achieving financial freedom, flexibility, and a life of abundance.

If you’re reading this, that means that you’ve done two things:

  1. You’ve had the realization that where you are at in your life currently is not where you want to be.
  2. You’ve made the conscious decision to do something about it.

And that, my friend, is the most important part.

So congratulations on taking action!

What if I told you that the reason you aren’t where you want to be in life is because of subconscious limiting beliefs that can be measured by chemicals in your brain?

Too often we are our own worst critics.

We are also usually the thing standing in the way of our own success.

People fail to realize the power they have at their fingertips, often because of self-doubt or limiting beliefs, which unfortunately, is usually due to no fault of their own.

It’s how we as a society have been programmed.

The Matrix may be a movie, but it is also mentally quite real.

The truth is, we are living in the greatest era of human history.

Yes, there’s bad stuff going on in the world.

Inflation, war, sickness…

I’m not saying it’s perfect.

But, as a civilization, we have never had more access, more freedom, or been more connected than we are today.

Long gone are the barriers in which society used to be able to keep us in, whether mentally, physically, or even financially.

With the power of the internet, you can learn anything, do anything, be anything, connect with anyone.

You just have to decide to do it.

And the cost of entry is, for all intents and purposes, nothing.

I believe this is the secret to both happiness and success.

When you love what you do, and you do what you love, you never really work a day in your life.

It quite literally creates both happiness and success simultaneously.

They feed off each other.

It’s an endless positivity cycle.

Imagine waking up on a Thursday morning, grabbing some coffee or tea, sitting down with your laptop, and checking your online accounts to see how much income you generated while you were sleeping.

All from creating content around your favorite hobby, passion, or interest.

That’s the goal.

Do what you love, love what you do, create content around it, monetize it, enjoy life.

Sounds simple enough, right?

It is… for the most part… BUT…

Please keep in mind: it is NOT a “get rich quick” scheme.

It does not happen overnight.

It is not a magic pill or magic formula.

It’s real work.

But the key is to put the work in up front, get everything setup and running, so that eventually it runs itself on autopilot (with minimal effort).

You do the “hard” work now, so you can live the “easy life” later.

As the old saying goes: “You can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.”

There’s thousands of people creating content every day, happily showing you the how

But you’re the one who has to do the work.

Watching a million YouTube videos will get you nowhere if you never actually do anything with the information you’re learning.

It will be slow at first, but so worth it in the end.

I personally went from $17,000 in credit card debt (and essentially living paycheck to paycheck), to paying off all of my debt and quitting my full-time $120k /year job.

Now I am happily self-employed, working from anywhere using my laptop, doing what I love.

So, if you’ve read this far, then I have to assume that at least some part of what I’ve said resonates with you.

If I’m correct, consider joining me in the free Apex Haus community via the Be More Mastermind Group, and begin taking action towards the pursuit of your ultimate potential.

With the goal of helping you improve all aspects of your life, some of what you can expect to find inside Apex Haus includes tools, tips, strategies, and resources to help you:

  • Create passive income streams
  • Build and grow your online presence
  • Explore and expand your creativity
  • Generate leads and traffic for your business(es)
  • Improve your productivity and time-management
  • Decrease procrastination and lack of direction
  • Develop a growth success mindset
  • And lots more!

For now, I’ll leave you with this:

You have more power, creativity, and skill inside you than you could ever possibly imagine. Choose to unleash it.

Let go of anything and everything that has ever held you back…

Fear, uncertainty, doubt, caring what other people think or how they’ll react.

And just remember:

If someone tells you that something isn’t possible, that’s their limiting belief.

It doesn’t mean it has to be yours too.

Focus on you, yourself, and your own happiness.

Because when you are at your best, that is how you can show up best for anyone and everyone else that you otherwise have held yourself back for in the first place.

Self-care is not selfish; it’s selfless.

-Zyler Kade


Get a free copy of my passive income eBook sent to your inbox by clicking here.

If you’re interested, here are 2 additional ways I can help you:

1. If you’re looking for a simple, streamlined, organized step-by-step process you can follow to begin building your own passive income streams, I recommend starting with an affordable course.

The Full-time Freedom Codex is a self-paced online video course where I teach you how to quickly and easily create, automate, and monetize digital content based on your hobbies, passions, and interests. You can learn more by clicking here.

2. If you’re looking for personalized digital product development or sales funnel design services for an already established business or personal brand, I recommend checking out Apex Haus services.

→ Apex Haus helps creators, coaches, and CEOs increase their income, influence, and impact with personalized digital product development and sales funnel design. You can learn more or see if you qualify by clicking here.

Originally published at on March 17, 2023.



The Lazy Worker

I teach freedom-seekers the digital and mental skills necessary to earn online passive income and escape the matrix. 💻🧠 Free Course ➡️